Dear You, I know the last two years have been a journey for you. It was like every time you got it together, life sat another mountain in your path. I've stood by your side as you lost friends that promised to stand by you. You cried on my shoulder wondering what was wrong with you and what you could've done to deserve so much pain. But I watched you triumphantly overcome in spite of. You may not see your strength now, but I witnessed you live through things that I would have cowered at. You're a survivor . How can you not see that? How can you let people turn what God has given you into a burden? You're a good person. You show up. You take care of those you love. How dare you ever let anyone turn your heart cold. I know it gets hard and I know you feel worn out. So rest as needed and keep going... even when you can’t. Wake up everyday and smile. Even if you slept in your tears, push though. Never give up on you. Fight for you . You fight for everyone else,...
Let's define life...Together!