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Showing posts from December, 2014

Catch Me in 2015

Man. I struggled in 2014. And I’m not sure what happened. When the year started off, I was on a roll. I was knocking down goal after goal. Smiling every single day and moving mountains with a mustard seed of faith. But by the end of the year I was barely making it. There were days where all I was doing was waking up and remembering to breathe. No way to live. But it was the only way I could live. Have you ever experienced anything like that? Where it just seemed like all you were doing was making it to the next moment by the skin of your teeth. Like every night that you make it through is surprising. That was me in November. November was like the month from hell. Like satan literally sat in his lair and conjured up November just for me. I counted the days. I was down and couldn’t see my way out. And I wish I could share some “aha” moment with you as if one day I woke up and it was all clear. But that would be fabricated. Truthfully, December was just as bad. Surprisingly, I ...

Healing Begins Here

I have a bone to pick and it’s with the church. The church...not the building where people come to worship, but the people within that building and every building across the nation. What is wrong with us? Where is the disconnect between Christ, who is the SON, loving us while we were YET in our sin and us tearing each other down and turning each other away because we don’t agree with our neighbors appetite for sin . Yes, we all have our own appetites. That’s for another blog. Saved or not, almost every person living can quote John 3:16 without hesitation . “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” It breaks my heart that we speak these words so freely and “with conviction” yet there's no conviction in sight when we blatantly stare at someone who enters the building but does not look the same. As if your long skirt, turtle neck(in the summer -time), and black flats hides what God se...